Sunday, November 16, 2008

I guess i got tagged! how fun is that i have only had a blog for like 2 days and i have gotten tagged!

5 things i was doing ten ago:
1. I was only three years old!
2. I liked to my aunt Mindy's house.
3. I was very little.
4. My mom and dad were getting married!
5. I just had fun!

5 things on my "to-do" list.
1. take a shower
2. get ready for church
3. eat breakfast
4. make my bed
5. any thing else

5 Snacks i enjoy
1. cookie dough ice cream!
2. popcorn!
3. no nuts they are not my favorite
4. anything chocolate
5. crackers

5 things i would do if i was a millionaire

1. I would help anyone in need!
2. I would buy a boat
3. help the kids at the orphanage
4. help my college
5. save it

5 placed i have lived (might not get all of them)

1. Tremonton
2. Ogden
3. St. Louis
4. Texas
5. i don't have one!

5 jobs i have had

1. babysit
2. that is all

5 people i have tagged

1. brandy
2. Shelby
3. Morgan
4. sierra
5. and who ever else

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